Every January I make the same resolution: "I shall learn to make button holes, and attend to my parts of speech." A few among you may recognize that heroic declaration as belonging to Miss Amy March and appearing in chapter eleven of LITTLE WOMEN (one of my all-time favorite re-reads). My parts of speech are rather well attended, in my opinion (although it's true that I don't know how to make button holes), but I like having this little bon mot ready whenever someone inevitably asks what my resolutions will be on any given year.
I don't like to make proper resolutions. They always seem trite and insurmountable. But of course there are things that I'd like to change or accomplish within the next year or more.
There are the obvious things, such as being financially stable and landing a full-time job that I enjoy. I'd of course like to be healthier and use my time wisely and take ballroom dance classes like I've sworn I would since 2005.
I want to take steps toward becoming my best self with each passing year.
2009 is the year I left behind an established career that I loved, the city that forced me to grow up, and my best friends and family, and moved to the middle of nowhere (sorry, but it's true) for the love of my life and our future together. And that was just the tail end of the year!
I also baked bread for the first time in 2009, which quickly became a habit. I joined yet another writers group and still didn't get any closer to finishing my novel. I had a gym membership and actually, you know, went to the gym. Some of the time, anyway. I visited Chicago and Minnesota, attended the wedding of one of my dearest friends, purchased and wore rain boots, discovered a favorite cocktail, paid forward all the good will (and couch surfing) that was given to me upon my arrival in New York so many years ago, ate Ethiopian food for the first time, saw my first real shooting star, ate at the 21 Club, and walked across the Brooklyn Bridge.
I can only hope that each coming year is better than the last. And with the way things are going, it looks like 2010 will be.
I love and miss you all! I wish you health and happiness in 2010!
I can only hope that each coming year is better than the last. And with the way things are going, it looks like 2010 will be.
I love and miss you all! I wish you health and happiness in 2010!